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Raw Milk - Subscription

Raw Milk - Subscription

Weekly Milk Pick Up (on Farm ONLY)

Currently waitlist only.  We should  have more spots beginning March.

Grass-grazed, whole, creamline RAW MILK, lab tested for safety and permitted by the state of PA for sale from the farm to you.

See details below.

Raw Milk Glass Bottle Subscriptions are $36/month per half gallon share, getting you one half gallon per week.

Order as many half-gallon subscriptions as you would like to pick up each week. Most families opt for two subscriptions, for a gallon/week.

Over the course of a year, a subscription offers a small cost savings over buying milk a-la-cart every week, but the real perks are

  • being able to use glass jars
  • having your milk order on auto pilot
  • getting first dibs--we're only milking a few cows, and we can't guarantee we'll have a la cart milk available

Leave an order comment with your preferred pick up day.

I will email you to confirm all the details.

We are thrilled that we are finally permitted to sell our milk for human consumption. 

You no longer need to join our herdshare and buy part of our cows in order to enjoy fresh raw milk each week.

For the time being, this weekly subscription is the only way to receive our milk in glass bottles.
For On-Farm Pick Up Only.

Why?  PA Dept of Ag restricts our ability to reuse glass jars unless it's the customer's own container (This will change when we can make another $100K+ investment in infrastructure; we're working on it, but we need to sell a lot of milk first.)

How it Works

  • You will own two (or more) sets of glass half gallon mason jars, marked with your name.  
  • Each week when you pick up your milk, you will drop off one clean, dry jar and lid per half gallon in your subscription (you can subscribe to as many half gallons as you'd like)
  • The next week, I will bottle your milk into your jar.  You will pick up your fresh milk, drop off your clean containers, and repeat.
  • You will have an assigned day of the week that your milk will be available for you.  You will have three days to pick it up before it is donated to the pigs.
  • Billing is monthly; pick up is weekly.
  • Full details and agreement will be emailed to you and agreed upon before I charge your card/before your subscription begins.

Want milk every week but don't want to mess with glass jars? We can do this in plastic; leave an order comment.

Want raw milk without a subscription?  Click here to order Raw Milk - Half Gallon (on farm pick up) or Raw Milk for Cats and Dogs (off farm pick up).