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South Hills

1066 Washington Road, Mt Lebanon, PA 15228 (Get directions)

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South Hills

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Ordering Starts Ordering Ends Pickup Date
Fri, Feb 7th Thu, Apr 10th Mon, Apr 14th
Tue, May 20th Thu, May 8th Mon, May 12th
Sun, Apr 20th Thu, Jun 5th Mon, Jun 9th
Fri, Jun 6th Thu, Jul 3rd Tue, Jul 8th

Meet us in the parking lot of St. Paul's Episcopal Church on the second Monday of every month, 5:30-6pm to pick up CSA shares and online orders.

Look for a red VW Jetta or a big white truck and a bunch of coolers!

This is our South Hills delivery for Farm Memberships as well as any a la carte orders from our online store.