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Milk for Pets 1/2 gal with jar

Milk for Pets 1/2 gal with jar

1/2 gallon with jar deposit

March 2024:  The cows are currently all dry, awaiting spring calves for another year of milking!  Keep an eye on our newsletter and Instagram for updates.  We are also in the process of obtaining our license to sell milk for human consumption :)  

Select this item if you do not have one of our jar/lid combos to return.  $6 Jar Deposit is refundable.

One half gallon of raw cow's milk for pet consumption, including $6 jar deposit.

This is the same milk our family consumes, but as we are not a licensed dairy, this milk is not legally eligible for human consumption.

Milk supply is subject to availability.  

Pre-ordered milk is available for pickup at the farm on Tuesdays between 2pm-7pm, Saturdays 11am-4pm, and Thursdays at Washington's Main Street Farmer's Market (May to Oct, 3-6pm).  

Add this item to your cart and *leave a comment* with your preferred pickup day and time.  I will confirm that we will have enough milk for you and put you on the schedule.

For a more reliable supply of milk, check out our Dairy Cattle Herdshare.