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Eye of Round

Eye of Round

approx 2.4 lbs
$14.75 /lb.
Avg. 2.4 lb.

Eye of Round roast from our grass fed, grass finished beef. This is a very lean cut, great for traditional roast beef or homemade beef jerky.  Or, slice into steaks, pound thinly, stuff and roll.  Yum!

Our favorite preparation is as Roast Beef:  Salt it the night before.  Day of cooking, allow it to come to room temperature.  Put in an oven safe thermometer.  Heat your oven to 500F.  Place the roast in a pan, on a rack if that's an option.  Cook it for exactly 5 minutes per pound, then turn the oven off.  Leave the roast in the closed oven until the internal temp reads 130F.  When you are ready to serve, slice thinly across the grain.  The roast will be more done toward the ends, more rare toward the middle--something for everyone!