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Delmonico Steak (Boneless Ribeye)

Delmonico Steak (Boneless Ribeye)

two steaks
$28.00 /lb.
Avg. 1 lb.

Delmonico steak from grass fed, grass finished beef raised on our partner farm just 20 minutes from here. This is a tender and savory cut that is great for the grill.

Or, my 11 year old son prepares them with a reverse sear: salt and pepper both sides of the thawed meat. Place in a 250 degree oven until interior of meat registers 120 F. Meanwhile, heat some lard, ghee or other heat stable fat in a heavy pan over medium high heat. When steaks are at 120 F, sear for 1.5 minutes on each side until well browned an an internal temp of about 140-145F. Let rest, covered, 5-10 minutes before serving.