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Beef Cross Cut Shank

Beef Cross Cut Shank

$15.00 /lb.
Avg. 1.9 lb.

How about some Osso Bucco for dinner?

Each package contains one or two, two-inch-thick meaty beef shanks from 100% grassfed, grass finished cattle raised on organically managed pasture. 

These beef shanks are as tender and mild as veal--the traditional meat for making osso bucco. Season well with salt and pepper, give a good, hot sear, and then braise in a flavorful sauce. Put them in the crockpot in the morning and you'll come home to a warm, comforting, nourishing meal!

Bone-in cuts like these cross cut shanks are rich in glycine, an amino acid central to gut, skin and joint health as well as being detoxifying, cardio-protective and supportive of healthy sleep.

Average package weight 1.5-2.5 lbs.