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German Pancakes (Gluten Free)

September 28, 2022 • 0 comments

These thin, crepe-like pancakes come together in a jiffy. These save me when farm work runs late and tired, hungry kids need a filling dinner quickly. Follow my method and you'll hardly need to do any washing up afterward. To feed my family of 5, I double this recipe. If I want leftovers, I'll use 2.5 cups of everything. Scale up or down as needed for your crew, keeping the ratios the same. Too thick? Add a little more milk. Too thin? Add flour, a tablespoon or so at a time. I use Bob's Red Mill 1:1 gluten free flour. We have success substituting that flour into regular recipes, so I expect regular all purpose flour would work fine here if you do not need gluten free. Serve with nutrient rich butter, and optional additional sweet or savory toppings.
  • Prep Time:
  • Cook Time:
  • Servings: 4


  • (1 cup) Milk
  • (4) Fresh Eggs (Soy Free, Organic Fed)
  • (1 cup) Gluten Free AP Flour (or use regular, if gf if not needed)
  • (1/8th tsp) Salt
  • (1 1/2 tsp) Oil, ghee or melted butter
  • Optional: 2 tsp of sugar or 1 squirt of vanilla creme stevia drops


My (almost) No-Dishes Method:

  1. Pour milk directly into your blender, measuring using the marks on the side of its canister. (For my usual amount, to the 2 cup mark)
  2. Add eggs to the canister until the milk line has risen two twice where it started (in my case, to the 4 cup mark; one egg is usually 1/4 cup volume. If your eggs are really small or you want to push the protein, you may use an extra)
  3. Add the flour (for me, two cups), a pinch of salt, and a small pour of oil or spoonful of ghee.
  4. Blend well.

Alternative Method:

  1. Measure all ingredients per usual, and mix well with a strong whisk, beater or immersion blender until eggs are fully incorporated.

Cook the Pancakes:

  1. Heat a griddle or frying pan over medium heat. Spray with oil or smear with a little lard or ghee.
  2. Pour 1/3 to 1/2 cup of batter onto the hot pan, tilting the pan to spread the batter into a wide, thin circle
  3. Cook for 1-2 minutes until top begins to appear dry, then flip and continue cooking 1-2 minutes.
  4. Serve immediately or stack them on a plate and serve all together.

Leftovers store well in a zip top bag in the fridge for 3 days and can be eaten cold or re-warmed.

White Christmas Chili
December 21, 2023 • 0 comments